This project is supported by the Building Better Communities General Obligation Bond Program and the Mayor and Board of County Commissioners of Miami-Dade County.

Special thanks to:

We would like to thank Miami-Dade County for recognizing that allowing people with untreated or undertreated mental illnesses to cycle in and out of the justice system is not only cruel and inhumane, but also a terrible use of taxpayer dollars and an ineffective way of addressing public health and safety. Through three Mayoral administrations and multiple Boards of County Commissioners, support for this project has been unanimous and unwavering. The priority Miami-Dade County has placed on addressing the over-representation of people with mental illnesses and substance use disorders in the criminal justice system, and the commitment of resources to resolve this tragic situation, is truly inspiring and should be a model for every community across the United States.

We would like to thank Mr. Carlos A. Migoya and the Board of Trustees of the Jackson Health System Public Health Trust for providing generous support for this project. Jackson Health System is a long-time community partner of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit Criminal Mental Health Project and is the single largest provider of services for individuals diverted from the criminal justice system. By providing high quality treatment and support services, Jackson Health System has become a key partner in Miami-Dade County’s success in addressing criminal justice/mental health issues and promoting the general health of the community.

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Philanthropic Support
Philanthropic Support
Executive Office of the Governor and the Florida Legislature

Chief Judge and Administrative Office of the Courts

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